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Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier


Die schönste totale Sonnenfinsternis seit 1918 wird heute über die Vereinigten Staaten ziehen. Wenn es das Wetter zulässt, hat die gesamte Küste der USA vom Morgen des 21. August 2017 bis zum Nachmittag die Möglichkeit, den Mond vor der Sonne vorbeiziehen zu sehen.

Sonnenfinsternis 2017:Wann findet die Sonnenfinsternis heute in Großbritannien statt?

Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier

In Großbritannien wird die Sonnenfinsternis heute kurz nach 19:30 Uhr BST sichtbar sein und eine halbe Stunde später um 20:00 Uhr BST ihr Maximum erreichen – obwohl die Chancen, sie zu sehen, gering sind.

In den USA beginnt die totale Sonnenfinsternis in der Nähe von Lincoln City, Oregon, um 10:15 Uhr PDT (13:15 Uhr EDT) und endet um 14:48 Uhr EDT in der Nähe von Charleston, South Carolina. Es dauert ungefähr eine Stunde und 40 Minuten.

Ort Partielle Sonnenfinsternis beginnt Gesamtfinsterniszeit
Salem 09:05 Uhr PDT 10:18 Uhr PDT
Idaho Falls 10:15 Uhr MDT 11:33 Uhr MDT
Casper 10:22 Uhr MDT 11:43 Uhr MDT
Lincoln 11:37 Uhr CDT 13:03 Uhr CDT
Sabetha 11:38 Uhr CDT 13:05 Uhr CDT
Jefferson City 11:46 Uhr CDT 13:14 Uhr CDT
Karbondale 11:52 Uhr CDT 13:21 Uhr CDT
Hopkinsville 11:56 Uhr CDT 13:25 Uhr CDT
Nashville 11:58 Uhr CDT 13:28 Uhr CDT
Talulah-Fälle 13:07 Uhr EDT 14:37 Uhr EDT
Kolumbien 13:13 Uhr EDT 14:43 Uhr EDT
Charleston 13:16 Uhr EDT 14:47 Uhr EDT hat zusätzlich eine Sonnenfinsternis-Datenbank, die die genaue Zeit für die große Anzahl zusätzlicher Orte angibt, an denen die Sonnenfinsternis sichtbar sein wird.

Sonnenfinsternis 2017:Sehen Sie sich den NASA-Livestream der Sonnenfinsternis an

Das Vereinigte Königreich wird nur dann eine partielle Sonnenfinsternis erleben, und zwar überwiegend in nördlichen Regionen, wenn die Wetterbedingungen optimal sind. Die Met Office-Prognose zeigt jedoch, dass es im Nordwesten regnen wird, mit Wolken und Nieselregen heute Morgen, die sich in starken Regen verwandeln. In ganz Großbritannien wird es weitgehend bewölkt und feucht sein, mit weit verbreitetem Hügel- und Küstennebel. Dies macht das Betrachten der Sonnenfinsternis unwahrscheinlich.

Menschen in Großbritannien können die Sonnenfinsternis jedoch immer noch online verfolgen. Die NASA wird von 13.00 bis 16.00 Uhr EDT (18.00 Uhr BST bis 21.00 Uhr BST) einen dreistündigen Live-Stream der Veranstaltung auf NASA TV übertragen, mit Vorschaushows im Voraus. Wir haben den Stream unten eingebettet.

Es wird auch Live-Feeds von NASA-Flugzeugen, Ballons und der Internationalen Raumstation geben. Das dreistündige Programm mit dem Titel „Eclipse Across America:Through the Eyes of NASA“ wird in Echtzeit über das Ereignis berichten, während sich die Sonnenfinsternis von Küste zu Küste bewegt.

Auf Twitter wird die Sonnenfinsternis über den Chasing Eclipse 2017-Feed, der einen praktischen Countdown enthält, live gestreamt und über Facebook Live verfügbar sein. Sie können die neuesten Eclipse-Nachrichten und -Bilder mit dem #eclipse-Hashtag verfolgen.

Sonnenfinsternis 2017:Wo kann man die Sonnenfinsternis beobachten?

Die totale Sonnenfinsternis wird nur über den USA sichtbar sein. Die NASA hat ein animiertes Video produziert, das den Weg der Sonnenfinsternis zeigt. Es zeigt den Kernschatten (dargestellt als schwarzes Oval), den Halbschatten (konzentrische schattierte Ovale) und den Pfad der Totalität in Rot. Die Sonne wird auch an einigen Stellen angezeigt.

Der Pfad der Totalität ist ungefähr 70 Meilen breit und wird sich von Westen nach Osten kreuzen. Its longest duration will be over Illinois, where the sun will be covered for two minutes and 40 seconds.

Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier

The National Solar Observatory has predicted that the solar corona, which looks like a halo around the sun, during the August eclipse appear “fuzzy” and predicts it will, at first glance, resemble a sprinkle of iron filings around a bar magnet, or a butterfly shape. Viewers are then expected to see faint, straight structures sticking out from the north and south poles of the sun – known as polar plumes – as well as brighter “bulbs” of material closer to the equator called helmet streamers.

Solar eclipse 2017 map

Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier

NASA has released a series of maps and animations to reveal the path of the total solar eclipse. The map above shows the path of the moon’s umbral shadow — also known at the path of totality — during the total solar eclipse 2017. It additionally shows the so-called obscuration, which is when a fraction of the Sun will be covered by the moon, outside of the umbral path.

The map below shows the shapes of the umbra and penumbra in a shapefile. NASA has also released solar eclipse maps that show how the events were recorded in the past, and what the paths of totality looked like.

Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier

Solar eclipse 2017:What is a total solar eclipse?

See related New NASA online library is a space-lover’s dreamNASA:Stare directly at the sun safely with this 4K video

The sun’s diameter is 400 times wider than the moon’s but is 400 times farther away. This geometry results in the sun and moon seeming to appear the same size when looked at from Earth. As they line up, the moon blocks the sun’s surface. This line-up occurs once every 12 to 18 months.

Partial solar eclipses occur when the alignment of the moon blocks only part of the sun, and these can occur more frequently.

During a total eclipse, the alignment occurs in such a way in which the sun’s outer atmosphere, known as the corona, appears to radiate around the shadow created by the moon. It looks like a ring of bright light bursting from the lunar disk.

Solar eclipse 2017:How to watch the eclipse safely

Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier

NASA advises watching the solar eclipse through a filter that minimises ultraviolet, visible and infrared light. Eclipse glasses can be bought online. The only time it is safe to look at the eclipse is during the phase of totality, when the moon fully obscures the sun, but this lasts for seconds so it is better to watch through a filter at all times.

This is because the rods and cones in the retina are extremely sensitive to light and even a small ray of sunlight can hit thousands of these light-sensitive cells. During the day, your iris contracts to stop too much light from entering the eye and hitting the retina. If you’ve ever looked straight at the sun, you’ll know it can leave spots in front of your eyes. Gazing at it for too long, such as during the eclipse, can damage your retinal cells and these spots can become permanent.

NASA’s guidelines state that eclipse viewing glasses must have certification information with a designated ISO 12312-2 international standard, feature the manufacturer’s name and address and not be used if they are older than three years, or are scratched. Regular sunglasses do not provide enough protection and should not be used to look at the sun during the eclipse.

To make sure children get to experience the wonder of the solar eclipse, Google recently partnered with Mystery Science to help millions of US kids across what the pair is calling the Great American Total Solar Eclipse. This includes giving millions of solar eclipse glasses being distributed to libraries, free of charge. Google has also paid for 15,000 eclipse glasses to be shipped directly to schools.

“Going to the moon, exploring the surface of mars, or seeing a total solar eclipse across the US for the first time in a century are amazing moments that can inspire a whole new generation of explorers and scientists,” said Calvin Johnson, Program Manager at Google for the Eclipse Megamovie project. “Our collaboration with Mystery Science ensures that educators have the resources needed to drive and encourage the curiosity of students and push our understanding of the universe to another level.”

An alternative is to watch the eclipse through a pinhole projector. This involves putting a small hole in a piece of paper and holding it up to the sun. Sunlight can then be streamed through this small hole onto a makeshift screen, such as a piece of paper or a wall. If you watch this ‘screen’, you can see the eclipse without looking directly at the sun.

More details about watching the eclipse safely can be found on NASA’s FAQ.

Solar eclipse 2017:Make your own pinhole camera

If you can’t find a pair of solar eclipse glasses, you can make a pinhole camera instead using white card (or a cereal box), tin foil, tape and a pin.

Cut a square into the middle of one of your pieces of card and tape tin foil over this hole. Use a pin to make a small hole in the foil. With the sun behind you, hold up the card (with the foil facing up) and the image of the sun will be projected onto the second piece of card on the floor. To make the projection more defined, place the second piece of card in a shadowed area.

Solar eclipse 2017:Why is the August solar eclipse so significant?

Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier

Beyond looking beautiful, and their rarity, total eclipses can be used for scientific purposes. In previous years, it has helped astronomers unlock the secrets of general relativity, coronal mass ejections, and the sun’s temperature.

“An eclipse teaches us so many things, but the 2017 eclipse is especially unique because of the uninterrupted land masses it will pass over,” said Dr Lika Guhathakurta, an astrophysicist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “This will allow us to maximise our chance to collect data and connect the shadow of the moon to Earth science.”

The NASA-funded Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment, or GLOBE, Program recently released an app that people watching the eclipse can use to gather scientific data. Each phone running the app will act like a ground sensor, feeding back information about the eclipse to create a simulation of this year’s eclipse and build a so-called 3-D radiative transfer model.

You can download the app from the GLOBE Observer site. To gather data you’ll need to register to become a citizen scientist and use a thermometer to measure air temperature. The app will guide you through the steps for collecting the data points and your observations will be recorded on an interactive map.

Der NASA-Eclipse-Livestream hat begonnen. Sehen Sie es sich hier

For example, studying the corona and its role in space will help astronomers understand the relationship between Earth and the sun, and offer clues to future space missions.

Solar eclipse 2017:The scientific impact

In total, NASA is funding 11 ground-based science investigations during the total solar eclipse, with three set up to study the ionosphere. The ionosphere is an ionised, “electrified” layer of Earth’s atmosphere which grows and shrinks in line with changing solar conditions. It stretches from between 50 and 400 miles above Earth’s surface. Changes to the area of the lower atmosphere, or space weather, can create disruptions in the ionosphere which, in turn, interfere with our communication and navigation signals.

The total solar eclipse will cause a sudden, but temporary, drop in the amount of extreme ultraviolet radiation hitting Earth’s atmosphere from the Sun. This is expected to “trick” the ionosphere into thinking it’s nighttime, at which point scientists expect it to relax.

Greg Earle, an electrical and computer engineer at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, said:“This is the best eclipse to see [and] we’ve got a denser network of satellites, GPS and radio traffic than ever before. It’s the first time we’ll have such a wealth of information to study the effects of this eclipse; we’ll be drowning in data.